We give our thoughts on the Sony/Helldivers 2 debacle (note: At the time of recording, Sony had not yet reversed the decision, which happened the next day).
Indie games killing it, while AAA's FLOP hard.
RIP Bernard Hill, King Theoden, Lord of the Riddermark
25th Anniversary of Star Wars - Episode 1, and the Mummy (dear god we're getting old. When did this happen!?)
Upcoming Releases
TW: WH3 - Throne of Decay - Excellent! Grabbit!
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Shin Megami Tensai V
Hades 2 (tech test)
Hellblade 2 - May 21
Frostpunk 2 - July 25
Newfound Gems
Brew Barons - chill "golden age of flight" game where you... run a brewery and a bar?! Make drinks, get ingredients by buzzing (literally) farmer's fields with your propellers, and rain watery death upon thine enemies! (ok, not death, but it sure sends them running!)
Shout outs
Geeks Gone Raw (Chase and Blue and crew)
On Second Thought with Mike and Matt
Where you can reach us
Voicemails, and Plug Voicemail Line - 610-810-1654