Welcome back everyone! Earlier this week I jumped on the WTF forum for a massive 5 hour episode! We delved into ancient cultures, the origins of corn and simulation theory.
(Original air date 1st of July)
I joined Mike from the Easy Peasy Podcast and Bear Snare from the My Friends Hate Freedom Podcast. This is a long haul episode something you can definitely listen to over a couple of sittings but it was right in my wheelhouse when it came to ancient cultures and origins of humanity and civilisation.
We went on to discuss;
- The Pueblo Indians of the South/West.
- Their unique ancient structures.
- Ancient cataclysms.
- Biblical flood.
- The end of the younger dryas period.
- Ancient spirits, ancestors and Nephilim.
- Who were the Anasazi and where did they go?
- Populating the Americas.
- Petroglyphs of North America and Aboriginal Australia?
- The origins of corn.
- Simulation theory and Buffering theory.
And much much more...
You can follow host Mike and the other guests at the link below.
Mike The Polymath (The Easypeasy Podcast)
Bear Snare and (The My Friends Hate Freedom Podcast)
If you enjoy the show and value my content don't forget to like, share and rate the show 5 stars. It helps me reach more listeners and in turn have more conversations with people from all over the world.
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Fourthwall - https://drew-missen-shop.fourthwall.com/en-usd
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Email - drewmissen88@gmail.com
Twitter - https://x.com/MissenthePoint
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/missen_the_point/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D
So sit back, grab a coffee, put your feet up, relax and enjoy this BONUS episode.