Knights of the Guild Podcast has been nominated for a People's Choice Podcast Awards in the Entertainment Category.
There were 1,110,000 people submitting nominations on 2931 podcasts.. here are how the nominees are chosen. There are 44 reviewers, 2 per category who will listen to every podcast nominated. Here is how they rate each podcast. 40% - Number of Nominations 15% - Quality of Website Design 15% - Quality of Sound 10% - Quality of Delivery of Show Content 20% - Relevance of Content So they grade each podcast on those percentages and the top 10 per category are the ones officially nominated. It kind of makes me feel good that it's not solely a popularity contest to get nominated, that all the hard work I put in to this podcast, ie sound, website, contest all paid off.But now it's up to you.. our listeners to vote every day for the next 15 days. Get everyone you know to vote once a day everyday. All that's required is your name and a valid email address.
Voting starts December 1st and ends December 15th.
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