This vidcast (video podcast) is a supplement to the podcast Genesis 5. In this video we will see how God taught His people, the Hebrews, in ways that would make sense only to them in their day. We would not recognize it as we read the Bible. God is writing to a people thousands of years ago using concepts only they understood and not us.
Dr. John Currid, a highly credible Egyptologist, archaeologist, and theologian, wrote a book entitled, "Against the Gods." His thesis in the book is to show us how we in the 21st century miss how God taught His people in their time using things they were familiar with. Here's an example Dr. Currid uses his paper, "The Nature of Polemical Thought and Writing." He writes
... A STRONG HAND - some common expressions found in ancient Egyptian texts to describe the power of Pharaoh over his foes are that the monarch had “a strong hand,” or “he possessed a strong arm,” or he was “the one who destroyed his enemies with his arm.” It is ironic that the author of the book of Exodus assigns the same features to the Lord as he humiliates and destroys Pharaoh and Egypt (Ex. 3:19–20; 6:1; 7:4; 15:6, etc.).
James Hoffmeier, a famous Egyptologist, comments on this parallel, asking, “what better way for the Exodus traditions to describe God’s victory over Pharaoh, and as a result his superiority, than to use Hebrew derivations or counterparts to Egyptian expressions that symbolized Egyptian royal power?” For most of us this would have escaped us completely. We are not familiar with ancient Egyptian writings nor are we into the ancient culture and customs on Egypt in the days of Moses. But, God is clearly inspiring Moses to use an Egyptian idiom that the Hebrews would have been familiar with. God uses this to come against Pharaoh and show His power over Pharaoh and all Egypt. In this way God uses something Egyptian to teach His people about Himself and His character.
However, we will also see that these amazing lessons that made sense to those first believers also make sense to us today in the 21st century. Ready? Let's begin. Let's see how God uses Genesis 1:1 to teach His people coming out of Egypt that He is God and not Amun Ra. Let's also see how this relates to us today, us being His people, and knowing that God never changes (Mal. 3:6). He was the same 3400 years ago and today.
Link to John Currid's article referenced above -
Use this link to study the idea that the Hebrews had assimilated into the pagan culture of Egypt. Here's the link -
Here’s an article on the ancient Egyptian creation accounts -
Short cool video on the ancient Egyptian creation myth -
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy?
What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -
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