The day has arrived: Maggie vibes with a movie much more than Marin does. The movie in question? Claire Oakley’s MAKE UP (2019), a surreal and sparse story about a teen girl’s coming-to-desire on the Cornwall coast. Maggie offers a compelling analysis of characterization which invokes the spirits of Dashiell Hammett and RHW Dillard (our beloved former professor), Marin argues that the film is at least horror-adjacent, and we discuss the symbolism of the sea (original, we know), the implications of “straight-baiting,” and the staying power of memes about men who don’t furnish their apartments.
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The podcast’s Instagram: @tellmeimsorry
Marin’s Letterboxd: @marinharrington
Secondary texts referenced:
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Syzygy, Beauty by T. Fleischmann
The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
Magical/Realism: Essays on Music, Memory, Fantasy, and Borders by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal
Claire Oakley interview with Little White Lies
Claire Oakley interview with AnOther Magazine
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