Episode 151 - Please welcome to the podcast Digital Design and Entrepreneur George Lobo. Born in Sao Paulo Brazil, now residing in Shanghai China. His wild creativity shines in his collaborations with local and international clients in China. George is the Founder of the Shanghai Bald Society, which is raising awareness with young men's mental health who have lost their hair. George is also the host of PechaKucha Night Shanghai and their next show is the 15th of August- The Great Architecture and Design Special.
George was also apart of the Space Expo, X Change Talk and is a talented photographer. On his down time, George is a Southern Kung Fu Master. Instagram/ wechat- @georgelobo
#georgelobo #tellcraigyourstory #southernkungfu #lemmy #motorhead #saopaulobrazil #shanghaibaldsociety #spaceexpo #digitaldesign #pechakucha #digitaldesign #kiss #mentalhealthawareness
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