Audit, review, compilation, agreed-upon-procedures … oh my. It’s a podcast all about attest services. … Wait! Where are you going?! You’re going to want to hear this one, promise!
On today’s episode, we talk to CPA, shareholder, and vice president of our attest services team, Deidre Budahl. Deidre corrects all the misconceptions about audits (they’re not that scary, and in fact, your organization might not even need one) and talks about how your nonprofit, school, or government entity can pick the right level of service.
Deidre even defines some jargony terms that you can trot out at your next dinner party … provided you’re partying with accountants.
Anyway, audit’s a way more nuanced and interesting field than people give it credit for, and you’re gonna wanna listen in to learn more!
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