In "The Mighty Ducks" (1992), a cocky lawyer, Gordon Bombay, finds himself sentenced to community service coaching a ragtag youth hockey team. With zero skills and even less confidence, the kids – and their reluctant coach – are the underdogs of the ice rink. But with a little teamwork, some clever quacking, and a whole lot of heart, they just might skate their way to victory. It's a classic tale of redemption, slapshots, and learning that sometimes, life’s greatest goals are scored off the ice.
This is the Overdue Homework Podcast we review and assign new 80's and 90's Movie, TV, or Video Game homework every episode.
check out our You tube channel and you can watch us do the first 10 minutes of this podcast in living color!
We assign 1980s Friday the 13th. it is our Halloween episode after all
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