#1-Power outages are common in Latin America. But how frequent are they, how long do they last and how quickly do they get repaired. What happens if you’re the one making the complaint to the utility company? And what are the chances you even get through to the emergency line on a phone call? Here’s the scoop….
#2-A few life saving tips on the care and feeding of your electronic gadgets and computers while here in Latin America. Often green gringos and new expats experience the premature death and/or failure of their laptops, notebooks and other devices. And they usually chock it up to bad luck (or gremlins). The fact is, the climate down here can be very very hard on your prized toys, but it doesn’t have to take a toll …
#3-More on Latin banking. This time we talk about foreigners with bank accounts and why banks in tourist areas like Costa Rica actually count on a high percentage of stupid gringos and Europeans not ever coming back…. thus abandoning their bank accounts and leaving them inactive. Then after some years the bank can by law confiscate the balances for that inactivity. Though this happens mostly with small passbook accounts, the numbers really add up... and the banks love it!
#4-You’ve heard talk about gringos and expats living first-world style in Latin America on a measly Social Security check. Well how about a family of FIVE living first world style on just one measly SS check? Here’s that story…
#5-“AN EXPAT’S GUIDE TO FIRST-WORLD HEALTHCARE IN LATIN AMERICA”, That’s the name of my long awaited free report. It’s finally finished and will be available for a time at www.ExpatWisdom.com. Grab a copy and than compare how 21st century Latin American healthcare stacks up to your Heathcare in the states. Read it and weep! And remember the report is free(at least for now).
#6-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down… two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to ExpatWisdom.com and click on the “slideshow” link.
#7-Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.