Ray Hanania's The Arab street Podcast
Nov. 17, 2016, Southwest News-Herald, Des Plaines Valley News, The Regional, The Reporter newspapers
By Ray HananiaHillary Clinton lost the election because many mainstream Democrats tired of her arrogance, hypocrisies and insider elitism, and they abandoned her.
Just look at her numbers: In 2012, Barack Obama won 65.4 million votes against Mitt Romney (who got 61 million votes). In 2008, Obama won 69.6 million votes against John McCain (who got 60 million votes).
Hillary Clinton only received 60.9 million votes, slightly more than the 60.4 million votes Donald J. Trump received. But Trump defeated Clinton in the “battleground” states where it counted most, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin and North Carolina, earning 289 delegates while Clinton earned only 228.
One voting block that rejected Clinton and supported Trump were the “Reagan Democrats,” conservative Middle America Democrats disappointed with Obama.
Trump’s supporters connected with criticism of ObamaCare, which failed to provide affordable healthcare. Insurance and prescription costs are rising through the roof. Something must be done.
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This is Ray Hanania’s column commentary Podcast … Hanania’s columns are published each week in newspapers throughout the United States and in the Middle East.
He writes on American politics and life in Chicagoland every week in the Des Plaines Valley News, Southwest News-Herald, The Regional News, and the Reporter Newspapers.
Hanania also writes a weekly column every Thursday for the Arab News at www.ArabNews.com. And, writes news and features for his website at TheArabDailyNews.com and for the Daily Hookah at www.TheDailyHookah.com.
An award winning former Chicago City Hall reporter named Best Ethnic Columnist by the New America Media, and recipient of the Sigma Delta Chi award for writing, Hanania is of Palestinian Arab heritage.
You can reach him and share your opinions and thoughts by emailing him at rghanania@gmail.com. All his columns are archived at RayHanania.com.
This podcast is available at Podbean.com and also for free subscription on iTunes.
(An award winning former Chicago City Hall reporter and columnist. American Palestinian Arab, Hanania writes a weekly column for the Arab News at www.ArabNews.com. He also writes each week for several mainstream American newspapers on American politics and life in Chicagoland. Reach him at rghanania@gmail.com.)
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