Welcome to Park Bench, theater simple's mobile interview outpost where we invite people to have a seat…and have a chat. This is the second installment of our four episode collaboration with The Network of Ensemble Theaters, focusing on Past/Forward: the June 2017 NET National Gathering and Symposium
Founded in the mid-1990s by a small group of ensemble theaters, NET has grown into a vibrant national community of over 350 members, including theater simple. The 2017 National Gathering brought together NET members, artists, educators, activists, funders, policy makers, and others with an interest in collaborative creation across disciplines.
They Gathered for four days, just after midsummer on the beautiful campus of The University of Washington. And Park Bench was there, talking with participants about the importance of Art and Ensemble Theatre practice, and The Gathering itself. We generated so much great sound, that we have spread it over 4 half hour podcasts.
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