The Veteran Gamers - A UK (ish) gaming Podcast
Leisure:Video Games
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That's right Stu finally caved in and finally bought a Switch in readiness for Bayonetta 3 in 2021, apart from that he did give it a test run with Diablo 3, Awesome Pea and Yoshi's Crafted World, Duke played loads of Division 2 and Chinny played more Assassins Creed and Ape Out
We rounded out the show with emails and other social stuff
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Follow us on twitter @veterangamersuk and if you have any opinions or questions, send emails to:
Chinny – Xbox ChinChinny, Sony Chinny1985, Steam ChinChinny
The Daddy – Xbox Big Daddy Blast, Steam BigDaddyBlaster, Sony xXBig-DaddyXx
Duke – Steam DukeSkath
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