Love on the Air - Podcast of The Whole Parent
Kids & Family
Mark Greene is an author, speaker, a father and Senior Editor at The Good Men Project.
He is the founder of Remaking Manhood, a Facebook community promoting a wider ranging conversation about masculinity. He is the co-founder of ThinkPlayPartners, a collaborative space for his work with his creative partner, Dr. Saliha Bava.
Mark's current books are The Little #MeToo Book for Men and Remaking Manhood. Mark is co-author, along with Dr. Saliha Bava, of The Relational Book for Parenting.
Come listen to an interesting conversation about masculinity, about relationships, about relationship capacity and emotional growth. Our conversation follows Mark from his experience as a man in a failing marriage, through his self-awareness process, and finally his homecoming in a long-term healthy relationship. We're going to talk about a lot of things, but at the heart is how we find and co-create a relationship with a partner.
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