It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan and Gretta discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the Music discuss the spoilery Goodness of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
First our hosts discuss the season one Finale of The Masked Dancer
S1E9: "Finale"
Secondly, they discuss the latest episode of Prodigal Son
S2E5: "Bad Manners" directed by Chris Grismer
then they talk about the latest episode of Resident Alien
S1E4: "Birds of a Feather" directed by Jay Chandrasekhar
Next Xan goes over the tragic backstory filled episode of Snowpiercer
S2E4: "A Single Trade" directed by David Frazee
Soon After Gretta and Xan debate the controversial new Stephen King written ending to The Stand
S1E9: "The Circle Closes" directed by Josh Boon
After that Xan and Gretta are entertained and confused by the spooky episode of Wandavision
S1E6: "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!" directed by Matt Shakman
And finally, our hosts beam and happily converse about the season finale of The Watch
S1E8 "Better To Light A Candle" directed by Emma Sullivan (who seems to get Terry Pratchett)
As they discusses these television programs, Gretta laments on the overusage of cliffhanger season finales, while Xan speculates on what it all means in Wandavision
Hope you Enjoy
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
If there is a show you want us to watch and discuss email us at
Remember to follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, also if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode.
#spiraken #televisiontuesday #thestand2020 #stephenking #snowpiercer #thewatch #terrypratchett #bbcamerica #the maskeddancer #prodigalson #wandavision #mcu #cbsallaccess #spirakenreviewpodcast #hulu
Music Used in This Episode: Mid Theme- Easy Saturday by Bad Snacks (Youtube Audio Library)
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Random Question of the Day: Will Martin Try to Escape by next episode?
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