(EA) Eternal Affairs TRUTH Radio
Week In Review with Host Dan Hennen - Mitt Romney - Greg Abbott - Patton Oswalt and the Lin Wood Whistleblower!
Dan provides commentary and analysis on the past week’s “news” stories. And strips out the Fake News so you don’t have to.
Topics included in this episode: Patton Oswalt, Lin Wood, Mr. Potatohead, Derek Chauvin, and shredded election ballots discovered in the trash in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Also, Cuomo facing the heat, but for all the wrong reasons, Mitt Romney's black eye, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen's weird video and 17 states have now removed the "mask mandate" following the lead of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
Our Hosts' viewpoints don't always reflect what EA TRUTH Media believes as a whole!
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