1) The High-Tensions “Poor Man”
2) The Jail-Birds “Baby’s Gone”
3) Ray Columbus & the Invaders “Made You”
4) Les Sauterelles “Liverpool”
Embryonic Heroes (pre-Abba):
5) The Hep Stars “So Mystifying” (studio / 45 version)
6) The Cherokees “Woman With Soul”
7) The Knacks (Chile) “Si, Quiero Vivir (Tema De Cronopios)”
8) The Lords “Please Don’t Bring Me Down”
9) The Omens “Searching”
10) Sir Laurence & the Crescents “Flip Me Over”
11) The Myddle Class “Lovin’ Season”
12) The Intruders “I’ll Go On”
13) The Flying Circus “I’m Going”
14) The Five Americans “The Train”
15) The Transatlantic Train “The Train”
16) The Aerovons “Train”
New Release of the Week:
17) The Frauds “Amy" S/T
18) The Nashville Teens “Whatcha Gonna Do?”
19) The Sidekicks “Holiday Maker”
20) Donovan “Bert’s Blues”
Compare & Contrast:
21) Michael & the Messengers “Midnight Hour”
22) The Wanted “Midnight Hour”
23) The Young Rascals “Mustang Sally”
24) The Last Word “Don’t Fight It”
Lousy Song of the Week:
25) Sir Michael & the Sounds “Can You”
26) Seeds of Reason “I’m Your True Love”
27) Bittervetch “I Will Follow You”
28) The Mergers “I’ll Be On My Way”
Shoulda Been a Hit:
29) The Everpresent Fullness “Lonesome Tears”
30) Dalek: The Blackstones “Never Feel the Pain”
31) M.G. & the Escorts “A Someday Fool”
32) The Wailers “Bama Lama Bama Loo”
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