Join Dave and Wayne for genre television show news, a glimpse into what the hosts are currently watching, commentary and analysis of the classic military science fiction series Stargate SG-1, and our listener feedback.
This week on the SciFi TV Rewatch podcast we debate whether or not Apophis and Klorel die in the explosion of the two ships. Does the show and SG-1 need a new foe or can the Goa’uld threat continue to play well through subsequent seasons? And who is the most hated internal threat facing Stargate Command: Senator Kinsey, Colonel Maybourne, or Lt. Colonel Samuels?
In our What We're Watching segment, Dave adds Croatia to his list of international shows with the HBO Europe crime drama Success. Wayne completes his rewatch of the entire Star Trek movie catalog.
In Listener Feedback, Fred from the Netherlands laments the fact that we don’t see Senator Kinsey admit he was wrong all along.
Remember to join the genre television and film discussion on the SciFi TV Rewatch Facebook group and follow us on Twitter @SciFiTVRewatch for the latest genre television show news and podcast releases.
Episode Grade: A
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