In this episode of The Kriya Yoga Podcast, please enjoy this excerpt from the Kriya Yoga Discipleship Course, on Samadhi. The talk explores Samadhi and its relation to the eight limbs of yoga, specifically through the lens of Kriya Yoga and how Samadhi naturally occurs through the consistent practice of Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation).

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Thank you for being part of The Kriya Yoga Podcast audience, and without further delay, please enjoy this presentation on Samadhi, an excerpt from the Kriya Yoga Discipleship Course.

For more inspiration and information on how to practice Kriya Yoga please see my new book, An Essential Guide to Kriya Yoga Practice. Now available in hardcover on Amazon. 

Your host, Ryan Kurczak, is a Kriya Yoga meditation teacher and author. He was authorized to teach Kriya Yoga in 2005, by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct student of Paramahansa Yogananda.

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  • Topic: This podcast explores Samadhi and its relation to the eight limbs of yoga, specifically through the lens of Kriya Yoga.
  • Focus: How Samadhi naturally occurs through the consistent practice of Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation).
Understanding Samadhi
  • Definition: Samadhi is the state of consciousness where fluctuations and changes of consciousness cease.
  • Process: Achieved through sustained practice of Dharana and Dhyana.
  • Analogy: Compared to drops of water on a pond, illustrating how focusing on fewer distractions leads to stillness.
Dharana (Concentration)
  • Concept: Fixing attention to reduce mental distractions.
  • Practice: Imagining focusing on one drop hitting a pond instead of many, which calms the mind.
Dhyana (Meditation)
  • Definition: Sustained concentration on a single point of focus.
  • Outcome: Leads to deeper states of stillness and clarity.
Practical Techniques Pranayama (Breath Awareness)
  1. Alternate Nostril Breathing:
    • Focus on the physical sensation of breath moving through the nostrils.
    • Progress to sensing the subtle flow of prana (life force) through the body.
    • Practice in stages, starting with physical awareness, moving to subtle sensation, and finally letting the breath happen naturally.
Mantra Meditation
  1. Using a Mantra:
    • Choose a meaningful mantra (e.g., "Om Namah Shivaya").
    • Chant out loud for initial focus, then internalize the chant.
    • Maintain a sense of reverence and devotion while chanting.
  1. Contemplative Practice:
    • Focus on concepts like omniscience and infinite consciousness.
    • Use breath as an anchor while contemplating these ideas.
    • Gradually move from thinking about the concept to feeling and experiencing it.
Importance of Consistency
  • Repetition: Daily practice is essential for progress.
  • Patience: Avoid straining or forcing the practice; allow natural growth.
Final Thoughts
  • Non-Attachment: Practice without attachment to results to avoid frustration.
  • Curiosity and Enjoyment: Maintain a genuine interest in the practice for it to be effective.
  • Long-term Perspective: Understand that profound effects come with time and consistent effort.
  • Summary: The talk concludes by emphasizing the importance of consistent, devoted practice of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi in the path of Kriya Yoga.
  • Encouragement: Listeners are encouraged to integrate these practices into their daily routine and approach them with curiosity and patience.