Joyful Autoimmune Podcast

Joyful Autoimmune Podcast
28 Episodes
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Category: Alternative Health
Last Update: 2023-08-07
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Finding joy while learning to live well with autoimmune disease is tough stuff, but it IS possible! Welcome to the Joyful Autoimmune podcast where Shanna Nemrow, FNTP, NBC-HWC shares mindset, nutrition, and lifestyle inspiration and tips to support you as you find joy while learning to live well with autoimmune disease! Shanna is not only a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Registered Yoga Teacher, she is an autoimmune warrior who lives and understands the difficult realities of living with an incurable autoimmune disease. Join Shanna as she reminds you to let go of perfection, seek gratitude, choose joy, and embrace the ups and downs of the journey! This podcast is not about toxic positivity or ignoring the suck. Rather, it's about autoimmune warriors coming together for just a few minutes a few times a week and saying, "hey, I see you, I understand, take my hand, and let's do this together!" We ARE stronger together! Thank you for being here!