Managing Made Simple for Team Leaders & Small Business Owners

Managing Made Simple for Team Leaders & Small Business Owners
124 Episodes
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Category: Management
Last Update: 2024-06-13
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Being a people manager is kind of the best. But it's kind of the worst too, right? I mean between questions like, “how do I know what to talk about in a 1:1 meeting?” to “how do I give difficult feedback without being awkward?” to “how do I avoid becoming a micromanager?” – managing teams can be really overwhelming. Not anymore. The Managing Made Simple Podcast for Team Leaders & Business Owners is your roadmap and compass to help you navigate life as a people manager. Chock full of fun stories from the trenches, concrete tools and strategies, and thought provoking interviews, the Managing Made Simple Podcast will make sure you have everything you need to be a great people manager so that together we can make the workplace somewhere everyone can thrive. If you’re looking for answers to questions like these, then this is the podcast has all of the manager tips you need: - How to give feedback well? - How to motivate my team? - How to be a good manager? - How to manage a hybrid team? - How to address performance issues? - How do I improve my team’s productivity? - How do I help my team prioritize their time? - How to manage conflict? - How to help my team achieve their career goals? - How to avoid burnout as a manager? Subscribe today and tune in every week where no topic is too big or too small to dive into. ** About your host: Lia Garvin is the bestselling author of Unstuck, TEDx speaker, and team operations consultant & coach with experience leading team operations across Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Bank of America. As the Founder of the The Workplace Reframe business consulting firm, she equips innovative organizations of any size and industry with the tools to cultivate inclusive, motivated, high performing teams resulting in higher retention, stronger efficiency, and more profit. She is a sought after expert in the media, featured across Inc, FastCompany, ABC News, CNN Business, US News & World Report, HBR, Yahoo, and TV News. Learn more about Lia's programs, workshops, and speaking at: