MediTalk Podcast
88 Episodes
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Category: Health & Fitness
Last Update: 2023-01-28
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MediTalk is an Australian Podcast Finalist in 2019. MeditalkPodcast is a medical podcast ''talking all things medical, in a way you can understand''. A medical podcast that empowers people by providing credible medical information so we feel more confident and comfortable to make medical decisions that best suit ourselves and our own personal situation. Being a podcast it is a free and accessible. It is an independent podcast that is presented by an everyday person presenting on real health-medical issues in a real way interviewing medical specialists. MeditalkPodcast also shares patient stories; people who have walked or are on the medical journey so people can learn from others is also very powerful. To become our own health advocates or to be an advocate for family member we need to become better informed and listening to MediTalkPodcast serves to help in this way. MediTalkPodcast is available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify, Podcasts App or listen to episodes by visiting