S13E3: Deforestation in the Amazon biome with Dr. Tahisa Kuck and Prof. Tatiana Pará
This episode features Dr. Tahisa Kuck, Science and Technology Analyst at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of the Brazilian Air Force and Professor Tatiana Pará, professor at the Federal Institute of Pará.
Professor Tatiana has a master's degree in development and management of the Amazon. She works with university extension taking geoprocessing tools to remote communities, promoting inclusion of girls and women in the world of STEM. She founded the group MENINAS DA GEO and is entrepreneurial with stewardship activities and collaborative mapping. She mentors the Youthmappers IFPA chapter and has several research activities regarding monitoring deforestation in the Amazon. Her focus is to insert new people into basic education that can use geotechnologies as a tool for decision making.
Dr. Tahisa has a PhD in Applied Geosciences from University of Brasilia, Master in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE. Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism. Member of the research group RSATE (Remote Sensing Applied to Tropical Environments). She works with research in the area of microwave remote sensing (SAR) and machine learning for tropical forests. At Institute for Advanced Studies, she is part of the PITER-N project team, whose research focuses on the autonomy of night flights of drones based on computer vision.
Listen to hosts Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes and Dr. Yhasmis Mendes talk to them about this and more in this episode.
Season 13 of Scene from Above is brought to you by Geoawesomeness and UP42. Be sure to check out the EO Hub that we featured on the episode this week: https://geoawesomeness.com/eo-hub/
Dr. Tahisa Kuck on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tatakuck
Dr. Tahisa Kuck on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tahisakuck/
Tatiana Pará on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatiparah/
Meninas da Geo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meninasdageo/
Paper "Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon": https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-021-01026-5
Prefeitura de Ananindeua investe na capacitação de mulheres ribeirinhas: https://www.ananindeua.pa.gov.br/semcat/noticia/71/prefeitura-de-ananindeua-investe-na-capacitacao-de-mulheres-ribeirinhas
Meninas e mulheres da ciência fazem a diferença no IFPA e no Pará: https://ifpa.edu.br/ultimas-noticias/1436-meninas-e-mulheres-da-ciencia-fazem-a-diferenca-no-ifpa-e-no-para
Brazil’s Amazon Soy Moratorium reduced deforestation: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-020-00194-5
TerraBrasilis (PRODES/DETER): http://terrabrasilis.dpi.inpe.br/en/home-page/
RSATE (Remote Sensing Applied to Tropical Environments) on twitter: https://twitter.com/rsategroup
Geoawesomeness EU hub: https://geoawesomeness.com/eo-hub/
Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes: https://twitter.com/flasmendes
Dr. Yhasmin Mendes de Moura: https://twitter.com/yhasmoura
News correspondent:
Rafaela Tiengo https://twitter.com/RafaelaTiengo_
Rafaela's Newsletter https://rafaelatiengo.substack.com/
Edition: Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes
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