Alien Resurrection was a bizarre attempt to reinvigorate the Alien franchise after the divisiveness of its predecessor. Written by Joss Whedon, it twists itself into narrative knots to revive the series' long-standing heroin Ellen Ripley. Honestly, it suffers for it.
This variation of Ripley is a badass, as well, but she's also weird and barely resembles the character she's embodying. Combined with a sub-par script that is packed full of terrible one-liners, nonsensical twists, and stock characters, Alien Resurrection fails just as miserably as Alien 3 in getting the series back on track.
It's a shame because the film is casted well. It also boasts decent effects, gnarly kills, and even showcases a few things the Xenomorphs have never done before. The atmosphere is just lacking. There is a dearth of tension. Perhaps, that is a sign that the franchise just lingered too long. There was nothing left for Alien Resurrection to add.
Hence, why it suffered the worst domestic box office of the series ($47.8 million). Critics, too, were lukewarm on it. It sits at 53% on Rotten Tomatoes with 85 reviews. Some things are just better left dead.
Now, sit back, illegally import a Death by Design from Holy City Brewing, and watch out for Ripley's elbows in the paint! I, the Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, Capt. Cash, and Bling Blake are attempting to clone Sigourney Weaver, so every generation can treasure her onscreen magic for eternity!
This Week’s Segments:
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