Praying in Jesus’ Name, by Faith in His Name
Religion & Spirituality:Christianity
HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT: Scriptures Containing the Words "Wisdom" and "Understanding"
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NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing.
The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of both Old and New Testament verses containing the Greek words "φρόνησις" (fro-nay-sis) and "σοφία" (so-fee-ya).
"φρόνησις", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously:
1. knowledge
2. understanding
3. practical wisdom: understanding which leads to right action
4. intellectual or moral insight
5. divinely granted wisdom causing love for the will of God
"σοφία", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously:
1. wisdom
2. intelligence
3. insight
4. skill
This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures.
Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew.
Not ALL of the verses containing these words have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing verses:
1. Only passages containing the GREEK words "φρόνησις" and "σοφία" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the ENGLISH translations which use these words, but which are not included.
2. Most verses containing repetition have been excluded.
3. Selective emphasis in the Old Testament has been placed on passages in the Writings and the Prophets (which are where most uses of these words occur).
Translations have mainly been drawn from the KJV, ABP, NASB, ASV, and Brenton Septuagint.
Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the sites linked to here:σοφίαφρόνησις
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