It is said that if you can see it with your mind's eye, you can manifest it.
In today’s episode, Brooke Baudot returns for the sixth in a seven-episode series about chakras. The chakra this time is Ajna, otherwise known as the third eye chakra. Before diving in, Nathalie provides updates on her book and some exciting events on the horizon.
Nathalie first gives an overview of this chakra, including its location, element, and color. Brooke adds that with a balanced third eye chakra you would be very intuitive, imaginative, perceptive, and have a good memory. She also goes into the traumas and abuses of the chakra.
Brooke reveals an exercise that she encourages people to do during her chakra meditations that creates connection. Nathalie discusses the difficulty that some people have in discovering these chakras within themselves.
We learn about foods that are great for fostering a healthy third eye chakra, and then Brooke states some affirmations. With affirmations like these and other healing practices, you can deeply connect with Ajna.
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