Learn True Health with Ashley James


Learn True Health with Ashley James
527 Episodes
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Category: Alternative Health
Last Update: 2024-05-31
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On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast! If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way.

141 383 America's Healthy Heart Doc, Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn Explains Why Sauna, Heat and Light Therapy Is So Helpful For The Cardiovascular System, Weight Loss, Detoxification, Energy Production, and 2019-10-02

142 382 Mariel Hemingway Teaches How to Be Healthy When We Are So Busy! We Discuss Mental Health, Personal Power, Life Balance, Grounding, Authenticity, Joy, and Finding Peace of Mind Through a Devoted Pr 2019-09-30

143 381 The Magnesium Soak Lady Kristen Bowen Answers Questions From Listeners, Retain & Maximize Magnesium, Achieve Full Cell Saturation, Coming Back from Adrenal Burnout, Discover Your Burn Rate, Magnes 2019-09-25

144 380 What Is In Your Aura and How To Clear Your Energy Field to Increase Healing with Master Spiritual Healer, Medium, Author and Exorcist Eric Thorton 2019-09-19

145 379 Journey with Mother Ayahuasca in the Jungle of Peru, Neuroscience, Emotional Trauma Release, Shamanism, and Activation of Christ Consciousness, What It Means To Heal and Manifest On All Levels wi 2019-09-16

146 378 A New Era of Self Healing, The World-Changing Power of Self Care and How This Ivy League Psychiatrist Helps Patients Heal Emotional, Mental and Physical Ailments without Drugs, Dr. Kelly Brogan Au 2019-09-11

147 377 The Functional Approach to Healing Neurological Problems, ADHD, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Nature Cures Clinic, What The Health, Dr. Greg Eckel 2019-09-05

148 376 Learn Functional Lab Testing and Holistic Lifestyle Medicine, Restoring Order To Metabolic Chaos, Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Nutritional Therapist, Founder of Functional Diagnostic 2019-08-23

149 375 Eric Thorton, Spiritual Healing in the Real World, Exorcism, Possessions, Mental Health, Energetic Protection, How To Help Someone After Death, the Souls Purpose and A Medical Medium's Perfect Die 2019-08-14

150 374 Reverse The Age of Your Brain, Improving Cognition and Cerebral Circulation While Preventing and Reversing Memory Loss, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and Neurotransmitter Decline with Noo 2019-08-08
