So let me introduce you to oppression and his big brother the big OPP ( a.k.a. the opportunity to proceed passes you by!)
Now Oppression is trying to stop you from being all you can be! Oppression does not want you to be free. Oppression wants to keep you hostage. Oppression stops you from maximizing your potential; oppression wants to limit your destiny; Oppression crushes the human spirit and Nobody has a right to your spirit, but God; Oppressors do not want you to have or get knowledge; Hosea 4:6 says we are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. Oppression wants to take over God’s place in your life.
The Holy Spirit wants to remind you that you are free. John 8:36 NLT says if the Son sets you free, you are truly free! But you have to know that God tells you that you are free & you have the right to be free.
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